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Nadia Taiga

Nadia Taiga

Executive and Curatorial Director, OG.art & Snark.art
Nadia Taiga is an experienced art producer and curator who joined Snark.art in 2019 to explore the potential of blockchain and NFT technology as an art medium. In 2022, Snark.art launched OG.Art, a curated platform that allows groundbreaking artists to develop projects based on dynamic NFT technology and community interaction. OG.Art has created projects that respond to online and in-person events, enabling collectors to interact with and develop NFT projects in new ways. At the art sector of the Outer Edge LA, OG.art presents the latest dynamic NFT collection Heterosis by Mat Collishaw and Danil Krivoruchko that consists 2500 unique flowers for breeding and interactive metaversal “greenhouse”.
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Nadia Taiga